What's in the Kool-Aid?
You've probably heard or even said it yourself, "I tried CrossFit, I drank the Kook-Aid, and now I'm hooked". So what's in the Kool-Aid of CrossFit? Everybody has a different answer but I have a philosophy that boils down to three ingredients that make great Kool-Aid.
One part Activity. The body craves motions. It likes to be worked; It likes to be pushed; It likes to feel alive. When we are active our bodies release a super effective chemical called Endorphin's. Endorphin's are what triggers that happy feeling you have after you work out. It's your body's way of saying, "Nice job, we should do that again some time soon."
One part Stress-Free. Once you walk through the doors of CrossFit Macomb you can basically turn your brain off. You've spent all day making decisions, remembering to pick up groceries, meeting appointments, making schedules. For one hour of your day, you can put all that stuff aside. You don't have to think about what I'm going to do at the gym, we have done that for you. You don't have to think, period. You just have to move with purpose.
Three parts Community. The community ingredient is what makes the whole thing come together and is what makes our Kool-Aid different. The three parts to our community are the trainers, the athletes, and the encouragement and motivation they provide. Our community has some of the best trainers in the area. They provide instruction and direction that relates to any person at any age. They are very knowledgeable to be able to instruct in some of the smallest details. Our community also has some of the friendliest and welcoming athletes too. When you see a new face of someone who wants to try the Kool-Aid of CrossFit, you go over and introduce yourself. You try to make them feel comfortable and reassure them that is not that bad. You also tell them your story, how you started last year, and have been able to see some significant improvements. Both our athletes and our trainers combine into a motivational system that is unmatched. There is something about knowing that the entire class is working through the same process. There is even more encouragement when the class rallies around the person or persons that are bringing up the rear. Ya, they didn't finish as fast but those that are done came back around to cheer on those that aren't and to help them finish with the same intensity when they started. It's extremely motivating!
So in my mind that is what makes CrossFit Macomb's Kool-Aid so good, and why we come back for more. A lot of programs can offer activity and programming, but only the people of CrossFit Macomb can offer the encouragement to continue and the motivation to stick with the process. Ooohh Yeaaahh!

Open Gym
We introduced Open Gym to our schedule last week.
Open Gym is simple. The doors to CrossFit Macomb are open and you have the opportunity to work on the things that you want to work on. We of course give you some pushes in the right direction though to help you not to flounder.
Here's 4 ways to utilize Open Gym:
(1) Make up a WOD that you missed but wanted to do.
(2) Pick some sections from the ELEMENTS board to work on. Whether is getting better at muscle-ups, getting a PR on a Snatch, or improve your endurance.
(3) Practice some "homework" that one of our trainers gave you to work on.
(4) Schedule some one-on-one training with one of our trainers to get specific goals and specific programming to get you toward your goal faster.
Open gym is a $25 add on to your monthly membership. So you get an extra hour a day to work and find your way toward your goals for less than $1/day.
Here is the schedule starting in September.
5:45 AM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
9:00 AM on Monday, Tuesday (Lite), Wednesday, Thursday (Lite), and Friday
10:00 AM Open Gym
3:30 PM Open Gym
4:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
5:30 PM on Monday (WOD & ELEMENTS), Tuesday (Lite & ELEMENTS), Wednesday (WOD & Open Gym), Thursday (Lite & ELEMENTS), and Friday (WOD & Open Gym)
6:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
7:30 PM on on Monday (WOD & ELEMENTS), Tuesday (ELEMENTS & Open Gym), Wednesday, Thursday (ELEMENTS & Open Gym)
9:00 AM and 10:30 AM on Saturday and Open Gym at 11:30 AM
See our full schedule and sign up for classes by clicking here or on the picture
CFM 10 Skills Challenge - Last Few Days to Register
Registration closes by September 10th.
The WODs are posted the heats are almost set. All you need to do is find a partner and sign up.
Sign up here
WODs are posted on the Facebook event page
Did you also hear that we are giving away a FREE pair of Reebok CrossFit Nano 4.0's?
Every participant will be entered into the drawing and we will pick the winning name after the 4th WOD. Don't miss your chance to get a new pair of shoes!
September Macombie
This month the September Macombie for the "CFM Wonder Woman" award goes to Rene A. Rene deserves the Wonder Woman award not just because she has the t-shirt and matching socks and phone case, but because she personifies what it means to a wonderful woman who is in the process of changing her body while loving the body she is in.
Rene said this about her transformation,
"CrossFit hasn't just helped me lose weight, it has guided me into loving my body. I can honestly say that I have never loved my body before. I do now, because I'm strong. My body can do things at almost 40 that it couldn't have done 10 years ago. I'll never, ever be what society thinks is thin-but I'm healthy and strong and a great role model for my daughters! The entire community at CrossFit Macomb has helped transform my physical body while healing my emotional perception of my body."
You can read more about Rene's transformation and see her before and after pictures on our blog later this month. Where we will be highlighting the transformations our athletes have made since starting with CrossFit Macomb.

Upcoming Events
September 13th: CFM 10 Skills Team Challenge
Click on the links for more details on any of these events.
Remember, doing work is the best way to see results. Your trainers are always available if you need extra help.
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