Friday, September 5, 2014

CFM - WOD #4 10 Skills Team Challenge

Updated for Scaling
Please review the following for the standards and points of performance for the movements outline in WOD 
#4 of the CrossFit Macomb 10 Skills Team Challenge.

As Many Rounds as possible in 15 minutes of:

100 Russian KB Swings 2 pd / 1.5 pd
100 Wall Balls 20 lbs / 14 lbs
100 Toes to bar

All equipment will start on the ground. Only 1 Partner Works at a time. All kettlebell swings must be completed before starting the Wall Balls, and all wall balls must be completed before starting the Toes to Bar. Both athletes must move together with their judge before starting the next movement station, do not leave your working partner behind. On completion of the Toes to bar both athletes, with their judge will head back to station one to restart another round. Continue until time expires.

Movement Standards
Russian Kettle Bell Swings -  At the top of the swing, the kettlebell must be above eye level with arms locked out. The judge must be able to see your eyes underneath the bell, centered over the feet with the hips and knees fully extended and the arms straight. At the bottom, the wrists must touch the thighs and the bell must pass between the legs. Any failure to not have met these standards will result in a "no rep."
Scaling will be by load: A - 2.0 pd / 1.5 pd; B - 1.5 pd / 1.0 pd; C - 1.0 pd / 0.75 pd

Wall Balls - The athlete must have their hip crease clearly below the knee with their ball in their hands at the bottom of the rep, the ball must make a clear contact point with the wall to the designated target. If the athlete does not complete a full squat and if the ball does not make contact with the wall or is below the specified target, it is a "no rep."
Scaling will be by load: A - 20 lb / 14 lb; B - 16 lb / 12 lb; C - 14 lb / 8 lb

Toes To Bar - The athlete must be hanging from the bar. Strict or kipping is allowed. Both feet must make a clear contact with the bar AT the SAME time. The feet must make a clear passing behind the pull up bar at the bottom of the rep, once the feet have showed a clear indication of being behind the pull up bar, the athlete can then perform the next rep. If the feet do not go behind the pull up bar at the bottom, and if the feet do not make contact with the bar, or only one foot hits first, this will result in a "no rep."
Scaling will be in kind. A - Toes to Bar; B & C - V-ups (from the floor pull your hips and shoulders off the ground to touch your feet).

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