It's About the Journey
We have all been there at some point when our body isn't physically capable of performing what used to be a fairly simple task. The only way to avoid injuries, accidents, or illnesses is to live in an isolated bubble, safe from the dangers of life.
Since we are not designed to live this way, we have to learn to live with the inevitable setbacks of life. Knowing this then, the lesson is in the journey that we take through these trials.
I don't like using myself as an example, but I'd thought that would I share some of my journey's though accidents and injuries in hopes to help you.
August is the anniversary of my fateful accident. Of which, I consider it a miracle that I can write about it today. I was in a motorcycle accident in which I was cutoff on the expressway by a semi-truck in the middle of construction zone. I knew the semi didn't see me so I tried to burst around him. I looked down at the speedometer and I was pushing 75mph when I hit the construction barrel that he pushed me into. I lost control of the bike, dumped it, and started sliding with my motorcycle diagonally across 2 lanes of the expressway. I slid over 250 feet, on my stomach, in front of the semi and cars trying to pass him on the left. Again, miraculously I walked away from that accident. My injuries left with a severely bruised pelvis, 50% of the skin on my forearms, and only 10% of the skin on my hands. My stomach and knees were also badly burned and embedded with gravel and dirt. This accident and these injuries obviously left nearly incapable of doing anything by myself. I'd like to say that despite my injuries I was able to continue with my training, and coaching, and continued to see gains and improvements while doing this. Well that answer is no, and in fact I was left to simply heal. For someone like me this is harder then hitting a PR or doing "Fran" in under 3:00 minutes. Through those couple months I was forced to allow other people do things that I was perfectly capable of doing on my own just a few days before. But through the kindness and blessings of family and friends and all the members of CrossFit Macomb, I was supported to take the time to heal and recoup from this accident. Again the focus of this should not be the accident or what it did to me, but the fact that I had a support group surrounding me to not be discouraged and to get back to full strength. It was this journey that I learned the most about who I surround myself with matters more than what I do or what I can do on my own.
Everyone goes through these struggles. When they are physical struggles, remember that it takes time to get back to where you want to be. But the journey and the time you spent doing that is what is important. And the people you surround yourself with and who help you are what is important. Don't let isolated accidents or injuries define who you are. Let the journey and energy you put in to get through them define you. And by the grace of God, you can look back and reflect it on with the confidence of being tested and found complete.
CrossFit Lite
CrossFit Lite has been going well. Enabling people to kick up there health and overall fitness.
Starting in September we are going to be adding CrossFit Lite classes at 9AM on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Here is the schedule starting in September.
5:45 AM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
9:00 AM on Monday, Tuesday (Lite), Wednesday, Thursday (Lite), and Friday
4:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
5:30 PM on Monday (WOD & ELEMENTS), Tuesday (Lite & ELEMENTS), Wednesday, Thursday (Lite & ELEMENTS), and Friday (WOD & ELEMENTS)
6:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
7:30 PM on on Monday (WOD & ELEMENTS), Tuesday (ELEMENTS), Wednesday, Thursday (ELEMENTS)
9:00 AM and 10:30 AM on Saturday
See our full schedule and sign up for classes by clicking here or on the picture
CFM 10 Skills Challenge - Date Changed
We moved the date out to September 13th.
This gives you more time to sign up. If you sign up by August 18th then you will receive a FREE competition t-shirt. Registration closes by September 10th.
All of the WODs are completely scaleable and for all skill levels. Find a partner and sign up before space runs out!
Sign up here
WODs are posted on the Facebook event page
Did you also hear that we are giving away a FREE pair of Reebok CrossFit Nano 4.0's?
Every participant will be entered into the drawing and we will pick the winning name after the 4th WOD. Don't miss your chance to get a new pair of shoes!
August Macombie
This month the August Macombie for the "One-Armed CrossFitter" award goes to Kelly S. Kelly broke her wrist doing a squat clean two months ago. A movement she had done hundreds of times before. Although, this time when she landed the squat clean her elbow was pointing down and came in contact with her knee. Everything lined up (in)correctly and something had to give. This landed her in a cast for 6 weeks. Kelly was resilient and continued to come and workout through scaled movements and put focus on form and conditioning while her wrist healed. She really started to surprise me with what she still could do with one arm in a cast.
Kelly wanted to add this to her Macombie.
"My favorite thing about CrossFit Macomb would definitely be the people. Not only are the trainers friendly and helpful, but every person that goes there is just as supportive and nice. When I broke my arm, the first thing I thought about was how horrible it was going to be not being able to CrossFit. It had become part of my daily routine at that point, so it was tough having that major of a setback. But even with a broken arm, the trainers were super helpful with all different types of scaling and sometimes coming up with completely different WOD's, just for me. Not only were the trainers beyond helpful, but every one of my CrossFit friends and even CrossFit members that I had never talked to before were asking about my arm.
Since coming back from my injury, I've been pretty timid about using my arm, but I am definitely making my way back to where I used to be slowly but surely.
CrossFit has not only put me in better physical shape but has also changed my mentality and outlook on many things. For now, my short term goal would be to get my wrist and arm back to where they were before the injury. After I accomplish that, a long term goal of mine has been to compete in local competitions and just continue CrossFit in general. "

Upcoming Events
August 7th: Swim WOD 11AM @ Richmond Pool, Beebee Street Park (See Lisa)
August 23rd: Pure Michigan Invitational (Come see the best of Michigan compete at CrossFit Maven)
August 30th: SwampFoot 4 Mile
September 1st: Labor Day - NO CLASSES
September 13th: CFM 10 Skills Team Challenge
Click on the links for more details on any of these events.
Remember, doing work is the best way to see results. Your trainers are always available if you need extra help.
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