Sunday, August 3, 2014

CFM 10 Skills Team Challenge - UPDATED

This is a two person team challenge. The teams will consist of one male and one female. Teams can include athletes from different CF boxes. This event is geared toward expanding everyone's ability in performing the 10 physical skills. So all skill levels are welcomed and scaling will be available.

There will be 4 WOD's for every team with a 5th winner's circle WOD to determine the team that has mastered all 10 Skills.

We will be offering individual prizes to the top three teams. Only Rx'd teams are eligible for the prizes.

Entry for the Challenge is $80 per team and includes a t-shirt if you register by August 18th.

15 minute cap.
15-12-9 rep rounds of:
Deadlifts 225 lbs / 155 lbs
Handstand Push-ups
9-12-15 rep rounds of:
Thrusters 95 lbs / 65 lbs

One partner does both movements and then the other goes. Alternate until completion. Only two bars. Move weight as necessary. One partner may do AL the handstand push-ups to still be considered Rx'd.

12 Min Cap
Partner 1 (Female) does a Clean and Jerk
Parner 2 (Male) does Thrusters

Partner 1 has 10 minutes to find max load Clean and Jerk. Then Partner 2 has 3 minutes to do as many Thrusters as possible of the max Clean and Jerk weight. Weight cannot come off the bar.

10 Min AMRAP
70m Partner Sled push, 90 lbs
5 Partner Burpees

Partners push sled together. Sled has to be pushed past the 70m mark to count as a rep. Partner burpees are performed facing each other. Partners touch hands at the bottom of the burpees.

15 Min AMRAP
100 Russian KB Swings 2 pd / 1.5 pd
100 Wall Balls
100 T2B

Only 1 Partner Works at a time.

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