The truth of the matter is that CrossFit can be for everyone. That includes soccer moms, high school and college students, and even people who are approaching their 40-year or 60-year hills.
Here's some CrossFit tips to help you get started today. Follow them to feel less intimidated by CrossFit while helping yourself become accustomed to the program.
1. Get Over Your Fears
CrossFit requires discipline to adhere to a schedule, but it's not so demanding that you can't do it. Most people are nervous about the first time they begin CrossFit.You may think that you're walking into a room filled with sweat-drenched people who can't think past their muscles, but you'll likely find that they're the kind of people who won't judge you and will encourage you. Try one session at the nearest CrossFit gym, and you’ll likely be surprised by the support you receive and helpfulness of the people there.
2. You don’t need to already be in shape
CrossFit is designed in such a way that anyone can do it. You may have even heard stories about people who are 70 years or older and keeping fit in their local CrossFit gym.There's no such thing as “I'm not in good enough shape to do CrossFit”. You just need to learn what your limits are and how to go about with your CrossFit training exercise without going past those limits.
You'll learn the movements, understand the exercises and, eventually, your body will become prepared to start the workout of the day (WOD) at your local box if you choose to do your workout there.
3. Don't Be Afraid to See the Doctor
You've probably heard this advice before, but you should see your doctor before you begin any new exercise program. While most people are healthy enough or already aware of their conditions, there may be an underlying condition that you need to know about before designing a safe CrossFit program for yourself.You can find a local doctor and set an appointment with one with relative ease using an app like ZocDoc or visit your Yellow pages such, so there's no reason not to get a physical to ensure everything is okay.
4. Ask Questions
Not everything about CrossFit will make sense. Your instructor may use words and terms that you've never heard of, instruct you to do exercises you may not be familiar with, and explain concepts in ways that allow things to remain unclear.Don't be afraid to be confused. You can and should ask all the questions that you need in order to find the answers that will help you learn the movements, mechanics, and motions that will help you build a solid foundation.
5. Be Stronger Than Yesterday
The sole thing that makes CrossFit unique from any other form of exercise program is that you're not going in to compete against other people. You won't go into a gym to find other people who are condescending because you don't have the muscle or stamina that they do because the philosophy of CrossFit is innately different.The only person who you're competing against when you undertake your workout is yourself. You're facing yesterday's you in an attempt to prove that you're better today.
This allows you to take small, gradual steps or big bounds and leaps. Everything in CrossFit happens as quickly as you need it to.
With that being said, don't ever feel like you have to rush yourself. You just have to do your best and take one step forward each day.
Author Bio: Paisley Hansen is a freelance writer and expert in health, fitness, beauty and fashion. When she isn’t writing she can usually be found reading a good book or hitting the gym
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