Sunday, February 16, 2014

January PR's!

Congratulations on your PR’s this past month! Keep working hard and sharing your accomplishments. We don't want any empty space on that board! :)

Jake- 245# split jerk, 1st CrossFit puke :/
Mitchell- Power snatch 205#, 10 rep max back squat 300#, front squat 5x1 300#
Kyle S.- 265 clean and press
Charsell- 110# split jerk, 7 thrusters at 85#
Sarah C., 7 thrusters at 135#
Rob- 345# back squat
Shannon- “Nate” Rx’d 6 rounds
P- 115# split jerk
Cody- 215# split jerk
Megg- 225# deadlift
Trevor- 10 strict HSPU, 300# 10 rep backquat, 265# clean, 365# backsquat, 450# deadlift (1000# club!)

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