Saturday, February 8, 2014

2014 February Newsletter

It sounds so easy. Two swings of the rope for every one jump.

I look forward to double-unders. When the WOD has a 200 double-under buy in I smile a little. Why do I love double-unders when usually there is a collective groan when they appear. It's because I'm good at double-unders.
Most people now hate to even watch me do double-unders because they look so effortless. Trust me I see your contempt. As you painstakingly untangle your feet, writhe in pain from another lash that feels like a cat-of-ninetails, feel your calves tighten into knots, and your shoulders burn with the pain of 1,000 suns, my rope whirls around keeping a steady breeze.

It was not always this way though. The reason I'm good at double-unders is because I have been doing them for 7 years!!! When I first started double-unders I said to myself it can't be done. However, I put in my time and worked the crap out of my rope. So please don't for a minute think that just because I'm good at double-unders means you should be too. One, that's not fair to you since most of you didn't even know that double-unders existed until you walked into our box. Two, that's not fair to me because I've got the scars to prove how hard I worked to get better at double-unders (literal and mental scars).
Double-unders are like any new skill. From tying your shoe to playing the piano. It is going to take time and practice. I'm sure you weren't born with the ability to tie your shoes just like you weren't born with the ability to do double-unders. But like any skill some people are just more naturally talented so they do come easier to some then to others (again trust me I was not in the naturally talented group).
So what's my point or am I just boasting. No. My point is that if you want something that you've never done before then you'll have to do things you've never done before. Meaning, don't take anyone's strength or skill for granted. Getting a new PR in strength means you took the time and effort to hone the skill of the lift and push you limit to move a weight that you never could do before. It didn't happen by chance or luck!
Athletes like Jason Khalipa publish his daily workout routines. He's the second fittest man on earth and he lets the world know what he is doing to be that. Why? Because he knows that even if you were doing the same thing; he would push harder, work harder, and produce more then you would. That's ballsy.
CrossFit provides a truth serum to who we are and what we think we are capable of. Sometimes it puts us in our place. Other times it leads to become more then what we were before.

The CrossFit Games and Open
With all that being said, the CrossFit Games are soon approaching. Every year athletes from around begin a worldwide competition to find the Fittest Man (and Woman) on Earth. It begins with the Open and culminates to the Games where the top 43 fittest athlete duke it out for the title. The Open is you time to see how you stack up. How has the effort you have been putting in all year been paying off. For those of you new to CrossFit this is an eye opening time of seeing a different side of CrossFit, but for those of you that have been doing CrossFit its time to see where you've come. At the very least it is incredible to watch. Here is the schedule of the 2014 Games.
The Open: February 27th - March 31st.
Regionals: May 16th - 18th
Games: July 25th - 27th

We will be hosting Open WODs just like last year. If you are interested in competing (which I think you should) you can sign up here. If you are interested in judging at CFM or at regionals please let me know and take the judging course.

February Macombie
This month, the Macombie for the "Best Scaled Burpee" award goes to Chris W. I really love how she jumped into CrossFit and yet knew her limitations but didn't let that stop her. She creatively came up with scaled version of a Burpee using a GHD and have been seeing tremendous changes in strength, stamina and flexibility. She has also acquired a few workout partners who have adopted her burpee.

January PR Board
We want you to celebrate your personal records (PR) so write them on our PR board. Below is the PR Board from last month.

Winter Weather Policy
As we continue the winter months just a reminder that we follow New Haven School district's school closings to determine if we will be open or closed based on the road conditions. We will also post this on Facebook so make sure you friend CrossFit Macomb on Facebook.

This policy is mostly for snow. That is why we have still been open when they were closed due to temperature and wind chill.

Upcoming Events
February 23rd: CFM Painting with a twist
February 27th: Open WODs begin.
Box to Box TBD

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