Monday, January 13, 2014

Countdown to the Open

You may have seen the countdown to the CrossFit Open on the CFM whiteboard recently. What’s that about you ask? Perhaps you already know and have your own countdown started, but for those of you who would like to know what the CrossFit open is and how to be part of it, this is for you.

 It’s amazing to see just how far your CrossFit community reaches outside your box. As a CrossFitter, you are part of big club where a handshake is done with your fist, and the secret password is “3-2-1 GO!” The open connects you with your fellow CrossFitters in a worldwide competition. Whether you are new to CrossFit or looking to be named the fittest on earth, the open is a chance to see where you stand and get a taste of what the CrossFit games physically and mentally require. 

The Crossfit open is your first step to the CrossFit Games. The open covers 17 different regions around the world, and last year consisted of 138,000 registered athletes. With CrossFit growing at such a fast rate, 2014 is sure to be the largest open yet. (Read: How Fast Are the CrossFit Games Growing? The Numbers Tell the Story” by Tabata Times.)

The open is 5 weeks long and consists of 5 different WODS. The first WOD will be posted on Thursday February 27 and the following four will be posted each Thursday after. If you choose to participate, you will perform the WOD and be judged by one of the CFM coaches for reps and time. Every rep must meet the movement standard in order to count, and your CFM coach will validate your performance and enter your results. You can attempt the WOD as many times as you would like. You have until the following Monday to submit your best score. The 48 fittest athletes and 30 fittest teams will be asked to compete in the regional competitions; the top 3 from regionals are off to the games!

Registration will begin on January 15, 2014. You will need to register your information and pay a registration fee; probably between $25 and $30.  The sign up link can be found here. You will be asked to create an account before registering. 

Remember, the open is for EVERYONE. Just like becoming a CrossFitter, it doesn’t matter your age or skill level everyone is welcome to participate. You’re going to be CrossFitting anyways; so you might as well do the open WODs. It never hurts to see were you stack up, you may surprise yourself. Good Luck!

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