Just a reminder of all the things that we have to offer our members and how we can help push your fitness in the right direction.
WOD - The WOD is our standard CrossFit Class that is for general physical preparedness. The program is designed to be broad yet inclusive. Meaning we will be doing everything from Situps to Handstandwalks, or Deadlifts to Snatches. If you enjoy doing CrossFit then be in this class. All the movement and weights can scaled for all fitness levels.
CrossFit Lite - The CrossFit Lite class is designed to strictly build you body metabolic conditioning to help with endurance and stamina though high intense intervals and provide foundational strength and skill. The Lite doesn't mean it will be easy, it just means we won't use bars and heavy weights. If you are new to CrossFit this is a good place to start. Or if you want to focus more on metabolic conditioning and build your stamina and endurance then this is also for you.
ELEMENTS - The ELEMENTS class is where we start to hone in and focus on the specific areas of CrossFit, such as Olympic weight lifting, Gymnastic skills, long endurance, pure strength, or competitive training. If you want to be more competitive or want to focus on a specific area then this is where you cherry pick from what we programmed for that class that day.
All three of these classes are included in your membership to help you get the most results. If you haven't tried one of our other classes them please give them a shot.

CFM Yoga
As a Christmas present to our athletes we are giving away FREE yoga for the month of December. Any CFM athlete that has an active monthly membership can join the yoga classes this month. Yoga is a great addition to your CrossFit regiment as it can improve your flexibility, teach you how to breath under pressure, and help you relax for active recovery.
Have you heard a CFM trainer say, "You have tight hips", or "You need to work on shoulder mobility", or "Control your breathing", then yoga can help you do that. Take advantage of this gift to you for the month of December and see how it can really help.
Here is the schedule for December
8:30 AM Sunday
7:30 PM Tuesday
5:45 AM Thursday
11:30 AM Saturday

CFM Gives Back
We are so grateful to have such a giving group of people at CFM. The first round of our giving tree has already been swooped up. It is great that we can help and support a local Memphis family that is in need. We have another opportunity to help out another local family, we will be getting those tags up this week.
Here is the note for Joel and Lisa W. who is sponsoring this family.
"Hey everybody! I hope all is well for you and yours. I am writing to ask for your help again this holiday season. Last year I contacted Rhyan and Lisa and asked if we could share this request with the CFM community and they were more than happy to pass it on. You guys did not disappoint!
Through your contributions and that of others, we were able to sponsor a pair of families for the holidays and really make the holiday special for them. It was really incredible to see how much love and support was given to these families. It literally brought tears to my eyes when the contributions from CFM came pouring in. You all stepped up and the families were rewarded.
We are sponsoring another pair of families this year and are reaching out to ask for your help again. We quite simply cannot do it without support from our friends and family and the response has been just as incredible as it was last year! We have two new families this year, both single mothers with children. I know times are tough for many right now and the holidays can be very difficult, especially when we all have families of our own. I would never ask anybody to give more than they can nor would I ever want anybody to feel pressured or obligated to give anything at all.
The organization we are going through has no set minimum or set maximum. We can contribute as much or as a little as we want. My goal each year is to provide the families with as much possibly can. If I had to put that to numbers, I guess I'd shoot for $20-25 each. But it can be anything, really. The reason I reach out to so many is because the more that are involved, the more we can do for these families who really have very little. Also, it brings the cost down for everybody involved.
Again, please do not feel obligated or pressured. That is not my goal. But any help is much appreciated and, again, these families need a lot so anything we contribute is more than they already had."
CrossFit Macomb Christmas Party
We are still working out the date for our annual Christmas party and Ugly Sweater WOD. Check out the announcement board at the gym for the details.
CrossFit "Macomb Madness!" Competition - March 14th
The CrossFit "Macomb Madness!" Competition is a bracket style competition where a male/female team will compete head to head against another seeded team through a double elimination contest to determine best.
There will be a scaled bracket for those not competing as prescribed and a toilet bowl bracket for the those that are eliminated from main bracket.
All teams will compete in a least 3 WODs. The first WOD will be completed by every team and determine the teams seed for the rest of the event. From there each team will compete in heats head to head against another team. The better team advances to the next round until only one team remains.
Sign up your team to hold your spot. We can only allow a certain number to fill the brackets properly.
Register Team!
December Macombie
This month, the December Macombie for the "Side Kick" award goes to Jenna and Nicole. You would think that Jenna and Nicole were sister as unseparable as they are but they are not (at least by blood). They have gone to every WOD together thus. Sometimes starting something new like CrossFit is scary and you need someone there with you going through the same pain and fears at the same time. It makes the tough things not seem as tough. That's what a good friend does for you. But as much as they are together that doesn't stop them from being very competitive with each other. When one beats the other, she lets 'em know. Great job working together Jenna and Nicole. Continue to encourage and push each other forward.

Upcoming Events***Because of the Holidays we will have some special classes at 3:30 PM see schedule below***
December 24th: Christmas Eve 9:00 AM, 3:30 PM, and 4:30 PM Classes ONLY
December 25th: Christmas Day NO CLASSES
December 26th: 9:00 AM, 4:30 PM, and 5:30 PM Classes ONLY
December 31st: New Year's Eve 5:45 AM, 9:00 AM, 4:30 PM, and 5:30 PM Classes ONLY
January 1st: New Year's Day 3:30 PM and 4:30 PM Classes ONLY
March 14th: CrossFit "Macomb Madness" Competition
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