I love spring. There is a fresh smell in the air, all the crud and drab from winter gets washed away and replaced with life, green-ness, and excitement. The same is true for a CrossFitter. We just finish one of the hardest and most challenging CrossFit Games Open yet. It was grueling, terrible, and yet so humbling to perform the the five Open WODs every Friday for the past five weeks. What the Open does, is provide you with a fresh new perspective of yourself, how you should be challenging yourself this year.
"Heather registered zero muscle-ups on 13.3 and resolved to make sure that didn't happen in 2014. She can now perform them in sets of 5 or more."
- Michael Paas [Picture and quote from www.crossfit.com]
It's that simple. What do you want to change about yourself next year? I fell into Heather's boat this year (see pic and quote above). I registered zero muscle-ups on 14.4. I was the first one to the rings and attempted a dozen times to no avail. This will not be the case next year.
So, with everything in mind, where you are now and what you think you should be doing set some goals. Let the excitement of your potential really push you this month and the coming months to see what next year holds.
Now, please notice that I am saying next year for a reason. Change doesn't happen over night and definitely doesn't happen by chance. You have to work for it and want it to happen. Change has resistance and needs to be overcome to be resolved.
With everything in mind of where you are now and what you think you should be doing, set some goals. Let the excitement of your potential really push you this month and the coming months to see what next year holds.
Everybody's goal is probably going to be slightly different. You may be saying to yourself I never want to get no-repped again for not breaking 90 degrees on my squat. Or you may be saying, I wish that deadlift in the third round did not feel like it was 500-lbs. Or you are with me and want to improve on some of the more technical movements like muscle-ups. Whatever your thing is, we want to help you achieve it! That is why we are around and why we exist. Not just to make up crazy workouts and pat each other on the back saying good job you did it. No! CrossFit Macomb exists to help you see results and actual change in your life. All of the trainers and spotters want you to become more healthy and live fuller lives. So, when you have goals and aspirations of greatness we want to help you achieve them. Sometimes it as simple as movement critique to have good form. Sometimes its dedicated programming focused on helping you work toward your goal. And in other cases we have one-on-one training to fix specific needs. Regardless we want to help you make a better you.

Spring BBQ
We are going to have a spring BBQ on Saturday April 26th at 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM
We want to have a BBQ just for the fun of it. There will be only one WOD that day at 10:00 AM and we will start the grills at 11:00 AM.
There will be free food and prizes that we will be giving away like CFM Swag, apparel, and monthly memberships.
We have never done this before but we are going to be doing a State of Gym Address. We have some ideas and want to make some changes at CFM but want your input to make sure that we are providing the best possible service to you as possible. So if you have an interest in the future of CFM and want to make sure you can put your input in please plan on attending the BBQ (plus there's free food!)

CFM Free Membership Giveaway
Like I mentioned during the Spring BBQ we will be doing a ton of giveaways. We want to give away three free Unlimited Memberships for the month of May. And we are going to do this through shameless promotion. In order to enter the drawing during the Spring BBQ for the Free Unlimited Membership you have to work for it. Luckily you can do it right from where you are.
We are looking for you to write a review of CrossFit Macomb. You may not know this but almost all of you have only heard of CFM through word of mouth and we want to put that word of mouth to work.
For every review you write you will get one entry into the drawing. For the entry to be valid you must include your name (can't be anonymous), our website (www.crossfitmacomb.com), and say something about why you like CrossFit Macomb.
That easy.
Here are places you can write a review each review at these sites will give you one entry into the giveaway:
Merchant Circle
Rank Insider
Please leave honest opinions and don't just write something outlandish.
April Macombie
This month, the Macombie Award for "Most Improved Player" goes to Larry. Larry had to be coaxed into competing in the 2014 CrossFit Games Open but had a great experience doing it. The thing that Larry enjoys the most about CrossFit and specifically CrossFit Macomb is that no one worries about how much you lift or what place you finish everyone is supportive and encouraging. He said he likes, "Picking t'ings up and puttin' dem down." Of which he has enjoyed all the Olympic Lifts because they are new for him. This year Larry is working on mastering double-unders and toes to bar. Two of his least favorite movements. Larry had this to say about his Macombie, "I have noticed a lot of changes from doing CrossFit. [With] a 30-lb weight loss from when I started, the way I lift anything at home and or work, and my diet changed. I know when I eat like s#@t regardless how much I enjoy it, it will effect my WOD that day. I just have a lot of energy now which I love." He is working toward going to regionals next year in the Masters division. Keep up the great work Larry!

Upcoming Events
April 26th: Spring BBQ
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