Friday, February 10, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #26

Journal meals to comments below.


  1. Thursday Day #25 total 5

    Today Total 10

    Sleep -7.5
    Journal Below
    FB Pic

    B-grapefruit and organic beef sticks
    L-Tbone steak with peppers and onions
    S-beef sticks

    Lots of fruit today gotta get to the store. Lost another 4 pounds this week, have to give Paleo credit for that. Found that Kolrabi root is a great substitue for potatos, doing a lot more experimenting.

  2. +1 7 hours sleep
    +1 journal
    +1 pic on FB
    +1 WOD made it thru 14 rounds
    +1 turkey, sunflower seeds, raisins
    +1 eggs, bacon, tomato slices,
    +1 tuna salad
    +1 turkey, lettuce, cucumber, sunflower seeds
    +1 turkey, raisins, sunflower seeds
    +1 tuna salad
    +1 burger with spicy mustard, lettuce, tomato, pickles, olives

    total +10

    Still trying to fight getting that damn cold from everyone. Got good sleep and felt pretty good at WOD. I think the first week I could do 4 pull ups before I gave out, nice to see how far I have come.

  3. Sleep - 8 hours
    breakfast - veggie omelet with bacon
    dinner 3 eggs and bacon, pineapple
    total 3

    Today was a bad day. It wasn't a cheat day, I was just very unorganized and didn't have the proper ratio for snacks and only ate 2 full meals. Oh well, tomorrow will be better.

  4. Saturday Total

    Sleep - 8

    B-sausage w almond butter, tomatos, almonds
    Dinner - T bone with avocado slices
    S-cinnamon almonds

    Got too busy to plan properly for lunch but chose to starve rather than eat garbage. Craved a burger on a bun with cheese really bad,its amazing what goes through your head when you dont b ring snacks or plan right

  5. Sunday Total 9

    Sleep - 9

    FB Pic

    B-Tabouleh,orange , and bacon
    L-Smoked pork chops w bacon ,tomato
    D-Steamed shrimp, smoked pork chops, Watermellon Chunks

    Good day , stocked up for the week on proteins and greens and sweet potatos. Looking forward to some new tasty ideas this week.

  6. +1 breakfast – egg/egg whites, salsa, tomatoes & black coffee
    +1 snack – pork sausage stuffing & celery
    +1 lunch – chicken lettuce wraps
    +1 snack – strawberries, blueberries & egg/egg whites with salsa
    -1 dinner – burrito with cheese (this was amazing!)
    +0 snack – grapefruit

    +1 blog
    +1 sleep 7 hours

    Total 5
