Saturday, February 11, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #27

Journal meals to comments.


  1. +1 breakfast – egg/egg whites, salsa, tomatoes & black coffee
    +1 lunch – chicken, tomato soup, strawberries, blueberries & pistachios
    +1 snack – ham, pistachios & red peppers
    +1 dinner – hamburger, bacon, mushrooms, lettuce, tomato, mustard & pickle w/sweet potato fries

    +1 blog
    +1 sleep 9 hours
    +1 WOD 33:13

    Total 7

  2. +1 sleep
    +1 journal
    +1 WOD
    +1 pic on FB
    +1 burger, tomato
    +1 eggs bacon sunflower seeds
    +1 burger, lettuce tomato
    +1 chicken lettuce
    +1 burger, lettuce, pickles, olives
    +1 chicken, lettuce sunflower seeds
    +1 burger, lettuce, pickle, olives

    Don't know how many to take off. Had 4 beers at bowling. -1?-3? -4?
    Felt good today. Bowling sucked. My thumb is so small now, I can't hold on to my bowling ball. Damn u Paleo!
