Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #24

Journal meals to comments below.


  1. slept 8 hours

    breakfast: smoothie with 1c coconut milk, berries, banana, egg and almond butter

    snack: carrots and tuna

    lunch: leftover roast beef with sweet potatoes and carrots

    dinner: salmon and roasted zucchini and asparagus

    total 6.

    lisa w

  2. Rhyan - For Monday and Tuesday I didnt blog but do have points Monday = 3 Tuesday =4

    Wednesday Total 10

    Sleep - 8

    WOD - The quad cracker

    PIC Posted to Facebook

    S-cinnamon dusted roasted almonds
    l-Steak and White Asparagus
    S-boiled kohlrabi with parsley
    D-Omelet W avocado/ham sausage patties


    Getting creative with some new snacks and meals, lost 16 pounds and feeling good. Sweet potatoes and almonds with cinamon are the new go to snacks........

    1. Great job today Mark. way to push thru the WOD! Keep up the good work.

  3. +0 4 hours slepp
    +1 WOD 19:08
    +1 journal
    +1 Pic on FB
    +1 egg, pistachios
    +1 Roast, carrots, grapefruit
    +1 Roast, carrots, pistachio
    +1 Turkey, Steph's tomato soup, grapefruit, almonds, sunflower seeds
    Drank alot of tea before gym and after dinner
    Total +7
    Been having stomach issues so did not eat very much today. Almost didn't go to do WOD, but glad I pushed thru. Really ate alot at dinner. Tried to add fruit and nuts to help me get past this stomach thing.

  4. Sleep 8 hours
    Photo (of snack, forgot to do the meals)
    Breakfast - bacon, egg cupcake
    Snack - bacon, orange, almonds
    lunch - salad with steak, oil and vinegar
    snack - apple, pistachios, jerky
    dinner - salad with chicken
    snack - lunch meat, peach, almonds
    snack - apple, jerky, pistachios (had an early dinner, so i was hungry)
    Total - 10

  5. +1 breakfast – egg/egg whites, salsa, tomatoes & black coffee
    +1 snack – ham, celery & almond butter
    +1 lunch – chicken, carrots, strawberries, blueberries & pistachios
    +1 snack – ham, apple, plum & pistachios
    +1 dinner – meatballs & Brussels sprouts
    +1 snack – chicken & carrots

    +1 blog
    +1 sleep 7 hours
    +1 pic of dinner
    +1 WOD 22:50

    I’ve been feeling a bit tired this week. I’ve been sleeping 7 or more hours, but feel tired during the WOD and a little upset that my body is not doing more. Are there foods I should swap to help this out?

    Total 10

  6. +1 egg,whites,sausage/pear,grapes/almonds
    +1 chicken,egg,bacon/lettuce/sunflower seeds
    +1 chicken/roasted veges/olive oil
    +1 WOD
    +1 journal
    +1 7 hrs sleep
    6 Total

  7. +1 Breakfast-Eggs and sausage
    +1 Orange
    +1 Lunch Salad with chicken
    +1 Almonds
    +1 WOD
    +1 Dinner sausage and eggs(again)
    +1 Journal
    +1 7 hours of sleep
    Total 9

