Sunday, February 5, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #21

Journal meals to comments below.


  1. +1 7 hours sleep
    +1 journal
    +1 pic on FB
    +1 eggs, tomato, almonds
    +1 tuna salad
    +1 chicken, lettuce, grapefruit
    +1 tuna salad
    +1 chicken, lettuce grapefruit
    +1 tuna salad
    +1 chicken, lettuce, avocado, grapefruit

    +10 total

    Pretty easy day. Did stuff around house, visited dad for 1st half of game, watched 2nd half here. Not too much temptation, cuz there is all good food in the house right now. Should ahve done a WOD or stretching, but will get right back to it tomorrow before volleyball

  2. 8+ hours of sleep
    breakfast - eggs, bacon, naked drink
    dinner - brisket, scallops, bacon, fruit, veggies
    snack -bacon scallops, fruit, veggies
    total - 6

  3. +1 chicken/orange/almonds
    +1 sausage,egg,whites/kiwi,grapes/almonds
    +1 ham/carrots/pistachios
    +1 pork/roasted vege's/olive oil
    +1 journal
    5 Total

  4. +1 breakfast – egg/egg whites, salsa, tomatoes & black coffee
    +1 snack – banana pancakes (egg, banana & almond butter), 1/2 grapefruit
    +1 lunch – roast, tomatoes & carrots
    +1 snack – chicken, carrots, plum & almonds
    +1 dinner – steak, broccoli & sweet potatoes w/a spray of evoo, sea salt & pepper

    +0 sleep 6.5 hours
    +1 blog
    +1 pic of dinner

    Total 7

    So, since Wednesday I had it in my head that I would eat pizza this weekend. With working and having a very regimented weekend, I didn’t even have the opportunity to have pizza. How crazy is that?! I’m glad I made it through the weekend on track. On to week 4!
