Sunday, January 22, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #7

Journal Paleo meals to comments below.


  1. Breakfast - 1/2lb Bacon
    Snack - Pickles and Olives
    Lunch - 3 Hamburgers
    Dinner - 1lb Spaghetti Meat Sauce
    8 Hours of Sleep

  2. +1 Slept 7 hrs
    +1 Breakfast: 3 eggs, 1 orange, handful of almonds
    +1 Snack: almonds, 1 beef jerky
    +1 Lunch: 3 Salads at Ruby Tuesday's
    +1 Snack: 1 beef jerky, banana, almonds

    Total: 5

  3. Breakfast: smoothie with egg coconut milk almond butter and berries
    snack: 2 eggs with cantalope and pistachios
    lunch: bacon and carrots
    dinner: chicken wings with paleo bbq sauce,dry rub burgers, homemade squash soup and sweet potatoe fries.

    3 pics to fb
    only slep 6 hrs and 30 minutes...stupid on call.

    lisa w

  4. Breakfast - egg/egg whites, salsa, tomatoes & almond butter
    Snack - red peppers, cucumber & almonds
    Lunch - beef marinara & cauliflower mash
    Snack - turkey, celery, red peppers & almond butter
    Dinner. - almond milk, pork sausage "stuffing" - pork sausage, bacon, sweet potato, onion, apple, celery, mushroom, chicken stock, vinegar, egg, walnuts & fresh cranberry.
    Snack - orange/cranberry sauce & almonds
    Slept 8 hours. I love weekends for sleep. I hate weekends for diet plans. Always so hard to stay on track and be good. I did not waiver! One.week down!

  5. +1 got about 7.5 hours sleep
    did no WOD today. Had a very bad mental day. Felt drained, lazy, pissed off, just completely out of it. Don't know if i just miss my caffeine or sugar or what, but was not a fun day. I actually really wanted to cheat on diet today, but the weird thing was it wasn't pizza or brownies I had a craving for, but Crystal Light. I did add hot tea last night (forgot to post it)just to change up the nothing but water routine.

    I changed up how I am going to eat a little bit. Kinda went back to the zone diet. I want to eat every 2-3 hours and have some protein, veggy, fruit and nut at every meal/snack. I lost 4 pounds on this paleo diet in the first week and do not want to get any lighter. I am now under 170 pounds. would like to maintain this weight or at least not get below 165. I will see how this new way works this week and tweak it from there.

    +1 8:30 2 eggs carrots grapefruit almond
    +1 11:00 bacon, lettuce, tomato, raspberry, almonds
    +1 1:30 tuna, celery, peppers, onions, 1/2 grapefruit, pistachios
    +1 3:30 bacon, lettuce, tomato, 1/2 grapefruit, almonds
    +1 5:30 roast beef, celery, onions, carrots, cantaloupe, almonds
    +1 8:00 tuna, onion, peppers, celery, cantaloupe, almonds
    +1 10:30 roast beef, onions, celery, carrots, raspberry, pistachios

    +1 will post picture of meal on face book

    Tomorrow will be a better day!

    Doug Ross

  6. Breakfast- 2 eggs and salsa and 1 clementine
    snack- apple and almonds
    Lunch- turkey and broccoli
    snack- almonds and strawberries and raspberries
    dinner- sirloin roast with onions, carrots, sweet potatoes and garlic. ( see photo)

    I got 9 hours of sleep last night.

  7. Jan 23
    breakfast - 3 eggs 2 pieces of bacon, 1/2 avocado +1
    snack - beef jerky, pistachios, 1/2 apple pear +1
    lunch - salad w/ oil and vinegar, side of steak +1
    snack - beef jerky, 1/2 apple pear, 1/2 avocado +1
    snack - 2 pieces turkey lunch meat (boars head), almonds, naked drink +1
    dinner - cubed steak, zucchini, cantaloupe +1
    posted picture +1
    journaled +1
    8 points! Yeah, most points in one day so far.

    As for how I'm feeling, great! The first couple of days were hard, but so far it has been great. Family has gone to McDonald's and I didn't even want it. Actually the thought of what they really make the food out of completely discuses me. I'm sure that it will take me quite a while to get a routine down for grocery shopping and cooking, so that I'm not making dinner at 8:30 every night. I haven't had a soda, candy or bread for over a week now and with the exception of day 2 (where I was totally Jonesing for some sugar) I am doing far better than I expected. Tonights goal is to get 7 hours of sleep.
    Nite Ya'll.

    1. I forgot to count my WOD +1
      9 points. Yeah!
