Thursday, January 19, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #4

Journal Paleo meals to the comments below


  1. Broccoli, mushroom, onion quiche
    apple, carrots
    Stuffed portobello mushroom( ground turkey, red peppers, green pepper and onion topped with homemade marinara sauce ) and mixed veggies

    I finally got 8 hours of sleep last night. YAY =) I'm liking having energy again.


    1. The stuffed portobellos sound delicious!

  2. Paleo Day 4!
    Did WOD today 3 rounds and 75 reps. Very little energy overall today. Probably the toughest workout I have had since I started here. Felt like day 1 all over. Could not seem to catch my breath. I will drive myself to do better and push harder! WWRD ( What Would Rhyan Do?) I can't wait for this increased paleo energy we are gonna have!

    I did not get 7 hours sleep last night. Got about 5.
    5:30chicken, carrots grapefruit
    8:00 cantaloupe, almonds
    10:30 tuna celery, peppers, onions, almonds
    12:30 chicken, celery, grapefruit
    3:00 tuna celery, onions, peppers, almonds
    5:30 carrots, cashews
    9:00 extra lean ground beef (4%), onions, mushrooms, lettuce, cantaloupe

    Just found out today that cashews are a no-no so they will be removed from the diet. But now I get pickles and olives back so I am all good. I do miss my pre workout energy supplement. It really helped me get through some of those tough ones. The beginning of last month I was eating brownies by the pan, 3 monsters a day, pot of coffee per day, smoking cigs, and carb loading for the workouts that never came. I don't miss a lot of it, but this was a lot to change all at once.

    Keep fighting the good fight y'all

    Doug Ross

  3. Breakfast - egg/egg whites with salsa, tomatoes & almond butter, black coffee. Pic on fb.
    Snack - chicken, zucchini, black berries & pistachios.
    Lunch - Romain, chicken, apple, grapes, peppers salad with O&V.
    Snack - almonds, roast beef & plum
    Post WOD - cucumber & almonds
    dinner - top sirloin roast, carrots & sweet potatoes.
    7 hours of sleep.

    Tired again today, but felt more satisfied with food throughout the day. WOD kicked my butt! Bummed about my first Paleo fail yesterday with the green beans, but no more!

    Thanks for the Q&A pre WOD tonight!

  4. Breakfast - 1/2lb Bacon
    Snack - Tuna Packet and Sunflower Seeds
    Lunch - Barbacoa Salad at Chipotle (You're going to see this a lot I'm guessing)
    Snack - 1/2lb Bacon
    Dinner - 1lb of Hamburgers
    9 Hours of Sleep
    3 Liters of Water

  5. Sleep 8 hours +
    Breakfast - avocado
    Lunch- pork lettuce wraps
    Snacl beef jerky
    Dinner roasted chicken
    Pic will be posted to FB later tonight after WOD

    Feeling good, Paleo noe as tough as I thought, lost about 8 lbs since coming on Jan. 2

  6. Breakfast - Eggs - sausage
    Lunch - mixed sausage,venison, pork lettuce wraps
    Snack - strawberries and carrots
    Dinner- left over tilapia with cucumber

    Pic of paleo breakfast will post tonight

    6 30 WOD

    Some cravings for sweets and flavored beverages, don't feel as tired as last week , recovery after WOD seems shorter
