Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #3

Journal Paleo meals to the comments below.


  1. Breakfast: Smoothie with 1 egg, 1 c of coconut milk, mixed berries and banana. with side of almonds.
    snack: zucchini slices and chicken with walnuts
    lunch: tuna with rest of zucchini slices
    dinner: 2 eggs with an apple and almonds.

    slept 7 hours

    lisa w

  2. 6:30 chicken celery, carrots, grapefruit
    9:00 tuna, peppers, lettuce, onion, celery
    11:30 chicken, carrots tomato, almonds
    1:30 carrots, celery, cashews
    3:30 chicken, carrots, peppers, grapefruit
    5:30 celery, peppers, almonds
    8:00 chicken carrots grapefruit cashews

    So far I have been trying to eat all raw veggies....I heard they are better for you that way.

    Did WOD today in 17:16

    Slept 7.5 hours

    I am liking the diet so far, but today at WOD, I noticed I had less energy. I wanted to stay and do Olympic lifting class, but I decided it would be better to get home and eat. I don't know if I am eating too much or not enough or what the reason, but I feel like I get bloated after a meal, but then I am starving by the time I should eat again. I have been taking my dad to doc a lot last couple days, it feels weird to pack a lunch to go on a short trip, but it keeps me out of fast food and convenience stores. I took Deb's tip and spread out my fruit throughout the day to keep the blood sugar level. If any other Paleo-Pals see something I should be doing that I am not, or something I am doing that I shouldn't please shout it out for me!

    Doug Ross

  3. Breakfast - egg/egg whites with sales & tomatoes with black coffee
    Snack - broccoli, baba ghanoush & pistachios
    Lunch - green leaf lettuce, ground turkey, peppers with balsamic/evoo dressing
    Snack - almonds, turkey & cucumber
    Post WOD - apple & almonds
    Dinner - grilled chicken, sauteed mushrooms & green beans
    slept 7 hours.
    I was very tired this afternoon & I think it screwed up my WOD. Shannon mentioned eating a small apple or bit of fruit before the WOD. I'll try that tomorrow. Cravings are ok today, but I wanted some crackers or something when I got home. I feel that I'm eating more than I did on Zone, but still hungry...

    Can we eat pickles?

  4. DAY 3 eats

    Broccoli, mushroom, onion quiche
    strwberries, walnuts
    Chicken, lettuce, carrots, green pepper, cucumber
    2 eggs and bacon

    I had a hard time sleeping last night. I think i got around 6.5 hours of sleep and I almost overslept today (oops). I'm still feeling really good about this healthy eating. And my will power at work has been tested greatly people bringing in dunkin donuts and oatmeal cookies and putting them at the file cabinet behind my desk. I'm happy to say i did fall for the temptation at all. =)


  5. Breakfast - 1/2 Pound Bacon
    Snack - Tuna Packet
    Lunch - Barbacoa Salad from Chipotle
    Dinner - 96% Lean Meat Tacos on Lettuce
    3 Liters of Water throughout the day
    9 Hours of Sleep
