Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #2

Journal Paleo meals to the comments below


  1. Well last night I got about 7.5 hours of sleep. Here is my day 2 journal.
    homemade broccoli mushroom onion quiche one slice
    grilled chicken, lettuce and cucumber
    cantaloupe, honeydew, grapes (photo)
    rotisserie chicken(no skin) with broccoli, cauliflower and carrots

    I had more energy today. Getting better at planning my meals.


    1. Good Job Kim. Keep it up! we only have 5 weeks and 5 days to go!!LOL

  2. Posted it in wrong spot...ooops!

    Hi all its Doug Ross posting in on day 2 of Paleo. (+1)
    I amazingly got 7 hours sleep (+1)for the second night. I go back to work on Thursday, so that won't last. My meals were
    6:30 chicken, peppers. grapefruit and almonds(+1)
    8:30 chicken, salad (lett. toma, onions) (+1)
    11:00 tuna peppers onions a pear (+1)
    1:30 tuna peppers onion almonds (+1)
    3:30 chicken carrots tomato (+1)
    5:30 tuna peppers onion carrots (+1)
    8:30 chicken lettuce tomato onion and grapefruit (+1)
    I also did WOD today in 10:38.(+1)
    I got stuck on last HSPU and just didn't want to do a wall walk up push up. I was being stubborn but finished (Thanks Joel)
    Feeling pretty good on diet, but am getting sick of eating a lot of the same things over and over, but as Lisa told me, spices are your friend on this diet. I did but a pork loin at Mejier to add new meat in rotation, but it is expired and I have to take it back...so more chicken and tuna tomorrow! yum.

  3. Breakfast: smoothie made with mixed berries 1 egg walnuts and 1 cup of coconut milk
    snack: 2 eggs and zucchini with 6 almonds
    lunch: leftover spag squash with tomato and salmon with walnuts
    snack: tuna with mustard and zucchini and celry 6 almonds
    dinner: shredded chicken with homemade salsa wrapped in lettuce with broccoli
    slept 7 hours

    lisa w

  4. Breakfast - black coffee, egg/egg whites with salsa & tomatoes
    Snack - broccoli & pistachios
    Lunch - green leaf lettuce, ground turkey, peppers with balsamic vin/evoo dressing
    Snack - turkey, cucumber & pistachios
    Post WOD - apple & almonds
    Dinner - sirloin tip roast with onion, carrots & sweet potatoes
    7 hours of sleep!
    Besides the broccoli alone being rough, today was great! I'm really looking forward to the next few weeks!

  5. Well, I may or may not be a little slow...if this posts twice, I apologize.

    Breakfast: smoothie (walnuts, peach, coconut milk, egg, vanilla extract)
    Snack: carrots, cashews, black coffee
    Lunch: tuna, celery, apple
    Snack: walnuts, carrots, more tuna
    Dinner: shredded chicken, lettuce wraps, broccoli
    Snack: banana, almond butter, celery

    Worked out but sucked so maybe that shouldn't count :)

    Got 7 hours sleep

    So far so good! I need to eat more to offset the sugar that is not in my diet right now. Doug did all the work on the hspu, I was only there for support. Good work everybody, great workout yesterday (I have a lot of work to do)!! Looking forward to the rest of the week and counting the days on the diet


  6. Breakfast - 1/2 Pound Center Cut Bacon
    Snack - Sunflower Kernels
    Lunch - 1/2 Pound Center Cut Bacon
    Snack - Beef Jerky
    Dinner - Peppered Turkey on Lettuce
    Drank 3 liters of water throughout the day
    8 Hours of Sleep
