Monday, January 30, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day #15

Journal meals to comments below.


  1. Breakfast - eggs, tomato, almonds-1
    snack - banana, almonds, beef jerky-1
    lunch - chili, tomato, cantaloupe, almonds-1
    snack - bana, jerky, pistachios-1
    dinner - south of the border stuff acorn squash-1
    snack - almond, jerky, almonds-1
    wod -1
    journaling -1
    Total points - 9
    photo -1

  2. Monday Total - 10

    9 hours sleep

    Breakfast - Turkey , orange
    snack - Banana
    Lunch - Turkey w carrots
    Snack - Blood orange
    Snack - Jerky
    Dinner - Yes more roasted turkey with lettuce
    Snack - Paleo Cookie (Joel & Lisas Recipe Thank you !)

    WOD - Nate

    Pic - Lunch to FB

    Man, Im losin weight again seems to be picking up again. Losing interest in chicken real fast but trying to stay creative, Turkey will be the protein of the week and maybe a little salmon

    1. Mark - do you have a crockpot? I use that a ton for roast beef and Debs salsa chicken. Also made shredded beef which was great. Let me know if you want recipes.

  3. +1 sleep 8hrs
    +1 3 eggs, banana, seeds
    +1 steak and brussel sprouts, seeds and almonds.
    +1 beef stew, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, spinach, and a lot of spices
    +1 hamburg, apple, seeds and almonds.
    +1 hamburg, orange
    +1 egg, almonds butter
    +0 rest day
    +1 journal

    Total 8

  4. Breakfast: Smoothie with berries, banana, coconut milk and an egg and almond butter
    Snack: chili with beef
    Lunch: leftover spaghetti squash with tomato sauce and meatballs
    Snack: squash with chili (with beef)
    Dinner: Smoothie with berries, banana, coconut milk and an egg and almond butter

    Slept 8 hours

    Total 8

    Lisa w

  5. +1 breakfast - egg/egg whites, salsa, tomatoes & black coffee
    +1 snack - pistachios & squash
    +1 lunch - shredded beef, squash & red peppers
    +1 snack - tuna with mustard & cantaloupe
    +1 dinner - burger with mushrooms, bacon, tomatoes, lettuce, mustard & 1 pickle
    +1 snack - plum & pistachios
    +1 pic - dinner
    +1 blog
    +1 WOD 9+6 rounds
    +1 sleep 7+ hours

    Feel real good today. Had scraps in the fridge which ended up being plenty for the day! Worked out good. I liked today's WOD. Good times!

    Total 10

  6. +0 1.5 hours sleep
    no wod today +1? volleyball
    +1 journal
    +1 pic on FB
    +1 carrots, almonds
    +1 salsa chicken, carrots, lettuce
    +1 grapefruit, almonds
    +1 salsa chicken, cucumber, lettuce
    +1 pear, almonds
    +1 turkey, pickle, olives
    +1 turkey, tomato, grapefruit

    I did have 3 cups of black coffee today to help get me thru day.

    Could not sleep last night. Got way too much sleep all week long and it caught up to me. I did take a 2 hour nap in between dentist and volleyball. Thats why I did no WOD. Will be back at it tomorrow

  7. +1 egg,whites,bacon/berries,cantaloupe/almonds
    +1 turkey/carrots/almonds
    +1 ham/berries/sunflower seeds
    +1 turkey/carrots/almonds
    +1 chicken/cucumber,kiwi/almonds
    +1 journal
    +1 7 hours sleep
    7 Total

  8. +1 Breakfast-grapefruit and almonds
    +1 Snack beef jerky
    +1 Chicken breast with cucumbers
    +1 raw carrots
    +1 Wod
    +1 Dinner-Turkey with celery with almond butter
    +1 Journal

    I would have ate some some all natural coconut milk ice cream that appears to be paleo friendly, however, I learned that it was frowned upon in this establishment and won't be eating it. Fine.


  9. Breakfast- 2 eggs and salsa Snack- Clementines and walnuts
    Lunch- 3 eggs and bacon
    Snack- Clementine and almonds
    Dinner- steak and asparagus (photo)
    Snack- Clementine and strawberries
    Sleep- 7 hours
    Feels good to be back on track my energy level is high again.   

