Sunday, August 31, 2014

CFM - WOD #2 10 Skills Team Challenge

Please review the following for the standards and points of performance for the movements outline in WOD #2 of the CrossFit Macomb 10 Skills Team Challenge.

Partner 1 (Female) performs Clean and Jerks
Parner 2 (Male) performs Thrusters

Partner 1 has 10 minutes to find max load Clean and Jerk.
Then Partner 2 has 3 minutes to do as many Thrusters as possible of the max Clean and Jerk weight. Weight cannot come off the bar.
This WOD will receive two scores. One for the Clean and Jerk weight, and one for the most number of reps of Thrusters performed.

Movement Standards

Clean & Jerk - The female athlete must perform the Clean & Jerk, any variation of the Clean is allowed (power, split, squat and muscle.) Any variation of the Jerk is allowed (push, power, squat, and split.) The athlete must show complete control of the barbell locked out over head with both their feet clearly underneath the barbell to complete the rep. The judge must signal you to set the bar down, if you set the bar down before the judge clears you, it will result in a "no rep."

Thrusters - The male athlete will Clean the bar up from the floor, squat clean is allowed, and go into the bottom of the squat with the hip crease clearly below the knee. The hips, knees and elbows need to reach full extension with the bar clearly over the athletes head with the bar on top of the shoulders (we should be able to see your ears through the arms.) Any sort of "thrust-jerks" are NOT allowed, and will result in a "no rep."

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