Thanks to everyone that came to Spring BBQ and State of the Gym Address. We had a lot of fun, a lot of great food (some Paleo and some not so Paleo), a lot of prizes, and a lot to talk about. Here's what you missed.
We opened CrossFit Macomb with three goals in mind (1) To make a positive impact on the community (2) To enrich people's lives through fitness and health (3) To give people a positive outlet to express themselves.
We are at a point in our growth where we need to push these goals further. We want to do things through three areas (1) Better programming which would lead to more PRs but takes more time for our athletes to complete and costs more to accomplish this correctly. (2) More class options which means more variety in our classes and more specific training but doesn't allow for the flexible schedule we have kept. (3) Make CrossFit more affordable which allows us to impact more people but leads to quantity not quality. We want to provide better programming, more class options and make it more affordable. But want to focus our efforts to provide you what you want us to work on.
So in order to focus efforts we asked you to help us by answering 5 questions.
What is the number 1 thing you like about CrossFit Macomb?
What is the number 1 thing you would change about CrossFit Macomb?
If we moved where would be to far?
What is the number 1 reason stopping your friends/family from doing CrossFit?
What is the number 1 thing you would like to get out of your trainers?
Surprisingly there was a lot of consistency in your answers.
The number 1 thing you like about CFM is the trainers (ahh thanks).
The number 1 thing you would change about CFM is including more class types.
If we moved anywhere, past M-59 would be too far. (Don't worry we are not looking to move, yet)
The number 1 thing stopping your friend/family is the effort.
The number 1 thing you like to get out of your trainers is more knowledge.
So that is the direction we will go.
Schedule Changes next week!!!
We are going to make things so much simpler to remember.
Starting May 19th we will be following this new schedule.
5:45 AM on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday
9:00 AM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
4:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
5:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
6:30 PM on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday
7:30 PM on on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
9:00 AM and 10:30 AM on Saturday
Now you don't have to remember what day is what class time.

More class types
We are going to be experiment adding more classes starting May 19th as well. You had asked to see more class types. We are going to try to make this available to by sharing time slots.
We are adding an ELEMENTS WOD during the 5:30PM and 7:30PM classes on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
The normal Workout of the Day (WOD) will still be going on at this these times. The ELEMENTS class is designed for people that are looking for something more or something different then what you normally see during the WOD.
The ELEMENTS WOD will consist of different class types, each designed to work on and enhance some of the key components to becoming a better CrossFitter. Such as Olymipic Lifting, Mobility, Pure Strength, Gymnastic Skill, and Endurance. These classes will be designed to help you hone in on these parts of your development to help you improve your overall fitness and improve your proficiency as a CrossFitter. Each class will be begin with mobility and contain at least two of these components that we will be working on (i.e., Oly Lifts and Gymnastic Skill, or Pure Strength and Endurance). The workout may be in a WOD format (that you are used to) or in a set/rep or superset format.
Because we are sharing time slots we are currently limiting these classes to only 7 people at a time. This will be first come first serve so if this interests you I suggest that you pre-sign up for these classes online. Don't just expect to stay after or come in early. Save your spot online using our scheduling system.
The best part is that we are making this available for everyone that is a member of CFM. It will use up a visit just like it a normal class does and will count against your monthly total.
If you can't make these time slots but want to still participate in the ELEMENTS programming, you can purchase the programming for these classes for $30 for the month. Then you can take them with you and do them whenever you like.
Box to Box Throwdown
Its almost been 6 months since our last Box to Box Throwdown and it seems that these types of events have gotten some steam in our area as other Boxes have decided to throw similar events. Well its our turn to do it again! So clear your calendar for Saturday May 31st.
CrossFit Macomb has challenged CrossFit 248 in a head to head, Box to Box throwdown. This event is for all members of both boxes at any skill level. There will be 4 scaling categories to accommodate all athlete levels. If your thinking, "I'm not good enough, I shouldn't go." then you are absolutely wrong. This event is for everyone and designed to expand yourself. The box with the best overall score takes home a Rogue gift card for equipment for their box.
There will be 3 WODs picked the day of from 5 that are posted WODs the week of the throwdown. The top scores from each box will be used to determine the throwdown winner.

May Macombie
This month we are doing something different. The May Macombie was picked by you. You said that they thing you value most about CrossFit Macomb is the trainers. So I wanted to take time this month to thank our trainers. We are very lucky to have some of the greatest trainers around. Shannon, Deb, Mitch, and Trevor work hard to make sure that everyone is getting the most they can out of CrossFit Macomb. I could write quite a bit about these guys and girls but I don't want it to go to their heads. Just kidding. I know I appreciate our trainers just a much as you do and they like to hear that.
Upcoming Events
May 17th - 19th: Central East Regionals
May 24th: Murph 9AM class only
May 26th: Memorial Day - No Classes
May 31st: CFM vs CF248
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